Cascadia Chronicle Presents:
The Ring of Fire
A special edition showcase
Two New Videos Uploaded to our YouTube Channel
Cascadia Chronicle has added two videos to our YouTube channel.
A video recording of Mark Auslander's narrated essay in a Google Earth tour is now available.
Another video featuring A Sense of Place: The Washington State Geospatial Poetry Anthology contribution to the CWU Museum of Culture and the Environment exhibit "Voices of the River" was also added. This video features the poetry of four Washington State poets as they contemplate the Yakima River in Central Washington State.
Woody Guthrie and Sherman Alexie Narrate the Columbia
In this photographic essay, Mark Auslander compares the mythologic and historical narratives presented by Woody Guthrie's song, "Roll on Columbia," and Sherman Alexie's poem, "Powwow at the End of the World."
A geospatial tour in Google Earth has been created for this Photo Essay. Please click the link to access it!
Luke Blackstone's "A Gesture for Planetary Alignment."
A British Columbia artist installs a kinetic sculpture of the Cosmos in Washington State.
Memorials in Nature. Long term and spontaneous memorials on a high ridge line.
Why the impulse to memorialize the deceased in natural sites, outside of formally constituted cemeteries or memorial parks?
Greek Chorus: A Sense of Place Featured Poem by Bobbie Morgan
"The fisherman, with scent of forest earth in his nose, steps into the river"